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Use a Strategy

To use a strategy, you simply need to follow these steps:


import 'package:frontier/frontier.dart';

void main() async {
    final frontier = Frontier();
            // Your strategy options
        (options, result, done) async {
            // callback logic

    final result = await frontier.authenticate(
        'MyStrategy', // Strategy name
            // Add your request data here

As you can see in the example above you need to create a new instance of Frontier and then use the use method to add a new strategy. The use method receives a Strategy instance with the strategy options and a callback function that will be executed when that strategy is called. The callback function receives the strategy options, the result of the strategy and a done function that you need to call when the execution of the callback is done.

The authenticate method is used to call a strategy. It receives the strategy name and a StrategyRequest instance with the request data. The authenticate method returns a Future with the result of the strategy.

The StrategyRequest class is a simple class that has been added as a standard to pass the request data to the strategy this way it does not matter from which framework you are using Frontier, the request data will always be the same.

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